Online Chapter Meeting: How to Thrive in the Gig Economy

Business Acumen


With the impact of Covid-19 upon us the Gig economy is accelerating – don’t be left behind! In this talk, you get to practice and develop critical skills to thrive in the Gig economy!

What do an Uber driver, a scrum master, a freelance writer and a contract project manager/product owner have in common? The answer is that they are potentially a part of the gig economy.

One of the fastest-growing trends in employment is a move away from full-time contracts. Instead, both employers and workers are pursuing alternative arrangements, including temporary or project-based contracts. The emergence of new digital technologies has meant a shift in companies employment strategies. They are looking to reduce their costs by hiring less full-time staff in favour of short-term support based on immediate needs.

Those participating in the gig economy call themselves freelancers,
independent professionals and contract workers. It’s easy to think of this group as a bunch of millennials looking to escape the traditional 9 to 5, but among those participating in the gig economy are experienced nurses, project managers, scrum masters, agile coaches, engineers and marketing consultants.

Learning Objectives

  1. What are the fundamental pre-requisites for branding yourself for gig economy employment?
  2. What does it take to thrive in the gig economy?
  3. How can you prepare for gig economy employment?


6:30 PM - Introduction
6:40 PM - Presentation
7:30 PM - Q&A
7:50 PM - Wrap Up


Michael Nir



Michael Nir, President Sapir Consulting US, is an executive agile Lean DevOps expert; known for his passion, creativity and innovation; His Masters in Engineering and, training in Gestalt balance his technical know-how with emotional intelligence. Michael inspires people and teams to change, experientially and emotionally, while climbing the hill AND reaching the summit.

Check out Michael’s Quest for Agile YouTube: How to Survive Your First Day of Remote Work WITHOUT Going Insane

The author of ten books on influence, consumer experience, and Lean-Agile project management, Michael delivers practical skills gained from eighteen years of experience leading change at global organizations in diverse industries.

Event Information

Fees: (Subject to HST)

PMI Toronto Members (login prior to registering) - Complimentary
Non-Members and Guests - $10.00

PDU Allocation

One (1.0) PDU will be applicable for PMPs who attend this one and a half (1.5) hour event.

The talent triangle allocation is 1.5 PDU – Strategic and Business Management




Cancellation and Refund Policy

Please see the PMI Toronto Cancellation and Refund Policy for further information. Any exceptions for this event would be listed above this clause.

Photography and Filming Policy

Photographs, audio, and video are sometimes captured during PMI Toronto events. By registering, attendees hereby grant permission to photograph and record them at events, and distribute (both now and in the future) the attendee’s image or voice in photographs, social media, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities.

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Type of category: Other

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: December 16th, 2020

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1



Non-Members & Guests: $10.00
