PMI Toronto Committees, Programs, and Operations 

PMI Toronto is a member-run organization. Our various programs from our networking events, webinars, and all communications are run by the members and for the members. Our committees and dedicated volunteers make all this possible. For volunteer opportunities visit this page and create your profile to receive notifications as roles become available.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a committee elected by members as per the bylaw. The Board has duties to act on and for the best interest of PMI Toronto. See the bylaw to learn more.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee reviews and discusses business items, creates monthly board agendas, deals with Chapter matters, and ultimately reports back to the Board of Directors. They are not empowered to make decisions on behalf of the Board and/or Chapter but rather must bring recommendations or proposals to the Board of Directors for discussion and approval. It is composed of the President, Immediate Past President, Secretary-treasurer, and Executive Director. In the absence of an Immediate Past President with a Board term to fulfill, by majority vote another member of the board may be elected to join the committee. Only members of the current Board of Directors may join this committee, with the exception of the Executive Director.


Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee will verify the eligibility of nomination candidates and provide a shortlist of candidates to stand for election for the PMI Toronto Board of Directors. The Nominations Chair is proposed for appointment by the Executive Committee and must be approved by the Board. The Chair proposes a minimum of two members to serve on the committee. This committee is by invitation only and is formed before an election.


Programs and operations - functions supported by volunteers:


Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement

A vital funtion to the chatper: to post, screen, and recruit suitable members to help run chapter programs and operations as volunteer opportunities become available. This scope of work also involves volunteer engagement and celebration efforts - we appreciate our volunteers and their dedication to the PMI Toronto Chapter and Project Management Profession in Toronto!


Professional Development Programs

The Professional Development efforts aim to provide members with regular programming where Professional Development Units (PDUs) are awarded to fulfill their professional obligations in renewing the various PMI certifications. They leverage the membership, partners, volunteers, and fellow Chapters to secure speakers to deliver topical skills, information, and messages to the membership.


Social Good Programs

Social Good initiatives involve running service-orientated projects for members to have opportunities to engage in giving back to the community. The committee also is supported by the Youth and Social Impact Coordinator. This PMI-defined role reports to the Chapter President and has a broad mandate to engage youth and up-and-coming project managers. There is strong collaboration between this committee and the Training Colleges and Universities Engagement program due to this mandate. Youth is defined as individuals 18+ and under 35, there is no engagement permitted with those under 18 years of age.


Training Colleges and Universities Engagement Programs

The Training Colleges and Universities Engagement efforts engage with students and educational institutions in Toronto. The committee provides regular online info sessions where students can learn about PMI, PMI Toronto, and explore the Project Management career path. These sessions are open to all schools and students - while we maintain relationships with schools and professors, PMI Toronto does not offer custom events for any one school.


PMI Toronto Branches 

PMI Toronto Branches exists to serve members in a specific geographical region outside of the core GTA where the Chapter regularly provides offerings. The current branch, PMI Toronto Northern Ontario Branch, is run by members in Sudbury with the support of PMI Toronto.